The following post is by Steve Berube and appears in full on his blog at itseemscomplicated
Jeremiah’s words cry out seeking a response. Once again, Rachel is weeping for her children because they are no more. With the end of the ceasefire today (08/08/14) surely there will be more death and devastation.
Over 400[ii] Gazan children have died in this unholy war in the Holy Land. Like Rachel, millions have shed tears for the children. Tears have flowed for all of the innocents who have died in the bloodshed that stains the sacred ground of Palestine and Israel.
I suspect the deaths and bloodshed over the past two months have resolved nothing. The Israelis may have dealt a severe blow to Hamas but they have bred more hatred in Gaza and the West Bank than there was two months ago. I wonder, what will arise based on all who have been killed and wounded along with the devastation that has occurred? I fear the children who have experienced three brutal wars over the past eight years will be even more radicalized. Hamas is evil but will it be replaced by something even worse?
Meanwhile, on the Israeli side, nationalism seems to have an even deeper fervour than ever.
.....continued on itseemscomplicated, concluding with the following...
Only increased international pressure will make Israel realize that it must move toward peace by: respecting the Geneva Conventions, international humanitarian and human rights laws, ending the years of blockade in Gaza and ending the occupation across all of Palestine.
I fear that little or nothing will occur in the near term to quell the tears that flow from Rachel and from all others myself included until Israel realizes that peace and security are two sides of the same coin and true peace will never exist without justice for Palestinians and Israelis alike.