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On the 6 pm evening news on Monday, June 2, 2014, CBC radio ran the story of the Palestinian Unity government with the most outrageous lie. The announcer claimed that Hamas was an Islamist group that overran the Gaza Strip, thus implying that the Fatah party was the legitimate ruling party.
As someone there may recollect, Hamas won the democratic election (overseen by observers as legitimate) over all of Palestinian occupied territory (including Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem) in January 2006, beating the incumbent Fatah party.
- Why is the CBC continuing to misrepresent such obvious facts eight years after the last election? What is the source of the CBC's [dis]information?
- How does a winning party "seize" control or "overrun" its own territory?
- In fact, it was President Abbas and his Fatah party that "seized control" of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and seized the tax revenues that should have gone to the government that was duly elected. What part of this does the CBC not understand? Does the fact that the US and Israel prefer Fatah make that acceptable?
Will CBC run a correction of the outrageous slander against Hamas? What will the CBC do to remedy such falsehoods to correct the "news" it has been providing to Canadian listeners?
Why would Canadians support the CBC when its integrity cannot be relied on?
Karin Brothers