The UNJPPI Network Structure
Only one criterion for belonging to the Network: agreement with and support of the Network Mission Statement. Any individual or organization that joins will be considered supportive. (Contact
Three levels, as follows:
Two working teams were established by the Network at the national gathering in February.
Coordinating Team. The Coordinating Team proposes that it be made up of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Membership Liaison, Treasurer, and one liaison from the following teams: 1) Education; 2) Advocacy; 3) Partnerships; 4) Communication. The Coordinating Team will perform administrative tasks (including financial stewardship), facilitate Network development and coordination, ensure liaison with the UCC and the public, etc. GC41 Advocacy TeamThe Advocacy Team was established to prepare for the General Council of The United Church of Canada meeting in August 2012. The GC Organizing and Advocacy group has met through teleconference 3 times since the network gathering in February. The Team has been working on finalizing the information needed for the proposal and backgrounder. We have been working on developing educational resources such as PowerPoint presentations and videos and remarks from EAs that will be posted on the network website. We are looking forward to working on the voting guide when the proposal information is finalized. |
TeamsFour teams are being set up for the following functions:
It is agreed that the Chair of the Coordinating Team, or their designate, would normally be the spokesperson for the Network. It was agreed this would currently be the Chair of the Coordinating Committee.
A comprehensive communications plan is being developed by the Coordinating Team, and the capacity to communicate by e-mail to Members, Friends and Supporters who support the Mission Statement has been established. Finances
There is no fee for members, friends or supporters.
The Network is committed to securing the capacity to receive financial support and issue charitable receipts, and various options are being explored. |